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The Berwyn Rod & Gun Club

8311 Laurel Bowie Road

Bowie, Maryland 20715

Established in 1938

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  • 28 Oct 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • / Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431 PIN: 332 919 791#


From:  Defensive Shotgun Chair, The Berwyn Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

You are invited to attend a free lecture/discussion regarding concepts and best practices of how to stay safe and if necessary, protect yourself in public against violent perpetrators.  Calling this topic Personal Protection in Public (P3), it is part of our ongoing and long standing "Defensive Discussion" series that has mostly been done as a free benefit to pro-2A gun clubs.  We will be using Jitsi, it is a free service (encrypted, runs through your browser, operates like Zoom), so only the first ~35 attendees can get in.  Feel free to leave off your video and/or mic as you wish.  You can alternatively just dial in on your phone if you prefer, video is not necessary:  Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431 PIN: 332 919 791#.  You will not be asked to identify yourself in any way.

What to expect

You are invited to click this link at 1pm (Eastern Standard Time (EST)) on Friday 28 Oct 2022 and join us in a conference call.

This session will last approximately one hour, and be mostly a lecture on topics such as: situational awareness/defensive mindset, what gear to have on you, when/how to call 911, importance of being able to draw from concealment discreetly and shooting at a downward angle to minimize risk to innocent bystanders.  How to decide if you should enter an establishment, generally where/how to sit, where to park and how to stay concealed.  How to identify likely criminals in appearance and behavior, and pre-attack indicators.  General advice to lower your risk while in parking garage/lots, elevators, at an ATM, gas station, etc. Covert communication with your partner and other specialty subjects as time allows.   

Purpose of this discussion

In light of the many tens of thousands of new Wear and Carry (W&C) permit holders now in Maryland this topic is of great importance and interest to our community.  This is supplemental information to compliment your W&C training and reduce your risk to your personal safety while in public.  

What it is not

This is merely a discussion, not legal, medical, security advice.  It is not part of the NRA's Personal Protection Outside the Home (PPOH) nor any other NRA, State/Federal Police training.  You are being invited to attend as a friend, and agree to hold harmless the facilitator, all participants and any organizations or entities mentioned during this session.  

Important topics that will not be discussed in this session:  legal issues and law of self-defense, emergency/trauma medical, marksmanship/firearms manipulation.  Disclaimer:  This is not legal advice, don't do anything illegal or dumb.

More information

Here is an excellent free article on training for self-defense hosted by our group; we invite you to join us there and read all the topics that interest you.  Many of the articles are free, some are behind a subscription pay wall ($2 a month for most content):

The Berwyn Rod & Gun Club, Inc. 8311 Laurel Bowie Road, Bowie, MD 20715

© 2021 The Berwyn Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

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